To create GO model for molecules, please go to MMTSB GO MODEL BUILDER, Files include The topology (.top), parameter (.param), and sequence (.seq), A PDB file representing the native-state conformation is also provided (.pdb), as well as the list of native contacts used in building the potentials (.Qdetails). If data length mismatch error occurred, replace in your mmtsb/perl directory.
As a preliminary study, we use 1E0Q as example.
Files under current directory: ./GO_1E0Q.param GO_1E0Q.Qdetails GO_1E0Q.seq GO_1E0Q.pdb GO_1E0Q.Qlist
To perform temperature replica exchange using GO model, run: -n 1000 -par initruns=100,equilruns=100 -dir gorex -temp 8:300:500 -log rex.log -charmmlog charm.log -elog energy.log -mdpar steps=1000,fbeta=10.0,timestep=0.02,dynoutfrq=100 -mdopt trajout 1E0Q
After the simulation is done, run: -inx 1:800 -ref GO_1E0Q.pdb -dir gorex
*discard first 200 runs
then load the trajectories by running:
vmd -e ~/toolset/loadrex.tcl -args gorex
After some adjustment, the trajectory of each replica should look like movie below. gorex