Simulate liposome with hundreds to thousands lipids require a large amount of resources to simulate for all-atom model, which is almost impossible for most researchers, CG model is a techniques allow considerable extension of accessible size and time in simulations of biological systems. although many CG model have been reported for proteins and DNAs, very few have been for lipids, the object of this study is to develop a new pH sensitive CG model for lipids, here we use MORC16 as an example. We refer to MARTINI and SIRAH to help us model new designed lipids.
Step 1. Mapping Atoms to Coarse Grains
To map atoms to coarse grained model, we use in SIRAH package, the only thing need to do is define the map strategy, we saved it as
/home/zwei/work/MD/sirah.amber/tools/CGCONV/ -i morc16.pdb -o morc16_cg.pdb
![]() |
Figure 1. Mapping scheme between atomistic and CG model of MORC16. Colored spheres are elements from all-atom representation preserved in CG model.The strategy for coarse graining is to keep key atoms which have more chmical sense while ignore other atoms which only act as structural supporting atoms. Here we keep all non-carbon heavy atoms and delete some carbon atoms on six-member ring and all hydrogen atoms.
Step 2. Creating Parameter Files
We build library file and parameter file by referring other lipid models. See Amber14 manual 13.1.4. Parameters required for amber force fields.
Download morc16_cg.frcmod, morc16_cg.lib ,leaprc.cgla to current directory,
#load lipid_go forcefield
#load model
#Save Parms |
tleap -f
Minimization |
Heating and Equilibrating &cntrl imin=0,irest=0, ntx=1,ntxo=1, ntpr=1000, ntwx=1000, nstlim=30000, dt=0.002, ntt=3, tempi=50.0,nscm=100, temp0=300, gamma_ln=1.0, ig=-1, ntb=0,igb=0,ntc=2, ntf=2, cut=12, ioutfm=1,ntrelax=100, / &wt type='TEMP0', istep=50.0,istep2=5000,value1=0.0,value2=300.0 / &wt type='TEMP0', istep=5001,istep2=30000,value1=300.0,value2=300.0 / &wt type='END' / |
Production Run |
sander -O -i min.mdin -o morc16_cg_min.out -p morc16_cg.prmtop -c morc16_cg.inpcrd -r morc16_cg_min.rst
sander -O -i heat.mdin -o morc16_cg_heat.out -p morc16_cg.prmtop -c morc16_cg_min.rst -r morc16_cg_heat.rst
sander -O -i md.mdin -o morc16_cg_md.out -p morc16_cg.prmtop -c morc16_cg_heat.rst -r morc16_cg_md.rst -x morc16_cg_md.mdcrd
***pmemd does not explicitly support vacuum simulations
Step 3. Micelle Modelling
To compare with all-atom micelle simulation, we build initial coarse grained structure from all-atom structure.
/home/zwei/work/MD/sirah.amber/tools/CGCONV/ -i morc16_micelle_packmol.pdb -o morc16_cg_micelle_packmol.pdb
#load lipid_cg forcefield |
# CGLA atom types
# Load SIRAH parameters | | leaprc.cgla |
tleap -f
Minimization of water box &cntrl imin = 1, ncyc=10000, maxcyc = 20000, cut = 8, ntpr=100, / |
heating and equilibrating &cntrl imin=0, irest=0, ntx=1,ntxo=1, ntpr=1000, ntwx=1000, nstlim=30000, dt=0.002, ntt=3, tempi=50.0, ntp=1, temp0=300, gamma_ln=5.0, ig=-1, ntc=2, ntf=2, cut=8, iwrap=1, ioutfm=1,ntrelax=100, / &wt type='TEMP0', istep=50.0,istep2=5000,value1=0.0,value2=300.0 / &wt type='TEMP0', istep=5001,istep2=30000,value1=300.0,value2=300.0 / &wt type='END' / |
Explicit solvent production run &cntrl imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5,ntxo=1, ntpr=10000, ntwx=10000,ntpr=10000,nstlim=1000000, dt=0.002, ntt=3,ntp=1, temp0=300, gamma_ln=5.0, ig=-1, ntc=2, ntf=2, cut=8,iwrap=1, ioutfm=1,ntrelax=100, /
mpirun -np 24 pmemd.MPI -O -i min.mdin -o morc16_cg_micelle_min.out -p morc16_cg_micelle.prmtop -c morc16_cg_micelle.inpcrd -r morc16_cg_micelle_min.rst
mpirun -np 24 pmemd.MPI -O -i heat.mdin -o morc16_cg_micelle_heat.out -p morc16_cg_micelle.prmtop -c morc16_cg_micelle_min.rst -r morc16_cg_micelle_heat.rst
mpirun -np 24 pmemd.MPI -O -i md.mdin -o morc16_cg_micelle_md.out -p morc16_cg_micelle.prmtop -c morc16_cg_micelle_heat.rst -r morc16_cg_micelle_md.rst -x morc16_cg_micelle_md.mdcrd
Step 4. Steered Molecular Dynamics of Micelle
./ 10 1000000 morc16_cg_micelle.prmtop morc16_cg_micelle_md.rst
./ 10 morc16_cg_micelle_md.rst 1