MORC16 is a newly designed lipid molecule, this page will describe how to model and simulate this molecule especially in different pH environment. I started with charmm to model this molecule and later moved on to Amber for better performance for bilayer lipids and liposomes.
Molecular Modelling
Create molecule by gaussian viewer,and then optimize the molecule:(on medusa) %chk=morc16.chk %Nproc=26 # opt b3lyp/6-31g(d) pop=nbo geom=connectivity save the molecule as morc16-opt.pdb(also save as morc16-opt.mol2 for swisspram)
Submit the morc16-opt.mol2 to SwissParam server: retrieve after about one minute, unzip the file and get: morc16-opt.crd/itp/mol2/par/pdb/psf/rtf -segnames -out charmm22 morc16-opt.pdb |sed "s/LIG/MOR/g"|sed "s/PRO0/LIG/g">morc16.pdb
mkdir data toppar
cp morc16.pdb morc16-opt.psf ./data/
cp morc16-opt.rtf morc16-opt.par ./toppar/
edit morc16-opt.rtf and change the RESI from LIG to MOR -par xtop=./toppar/morc16-opt.rtf,xpar=./toppar/morc16-opt.par morc16.pdb>./data/morc16.psf
The charges are poorly defined in topology file, we update the charges in topology file by charge information from gaussian log file . -nbo -log morc16.log -rtf ./toppar/morc16-opt.rtf -par param=22,xtop=./toppar/morc16-opt.rtf,xpar=./toppar/morc16-opt.par,dynsteps=10000 -trajout morc16_equi.dcd -cmd tmp.cmd -final morc16_equi.pdb morc16.pdb -par param=22,xtop=./toppar/morc16-opt.rtf,xpar=./toppar/morc16-opt.par,gb,dynsteps=10000 -trajout morc16_gb_equi.dcd -log morc16_gb_equi.log -cmd tmp.cmd -final morc16_gb_equi.pdb morc16.pdb -solvate -cubic -cutoff 8 morc16.pdb >morc16_box.pdb -par param=22,xtop=./toppar/morc16-opt.rtf,xpar=./toppar/morc16-opt.par morc16_box.pdb >morc16_box.psf -par param=22,xtop=./toppar/morc16-opt.rtf,xpar=./toppar/morc16-opt.par,dynsteps=10000 morc16_box.pdb >morc16_box_min.pdb
mpirun -np 4 -par param=22,xtop=./toppar/morc16-opt.rtf,xpar=./toppar/morc16-opt.par,dynsteps=10000 -trajout morc16_ex_equi.dcd -log morc16_ex_equi.log -cmd tmp.cmd -final morc16_ex_equi.pdb morc16_box_min.pdb
VA | GB | EX | |
CHAMRM | |||
Above are trajectories of morc16 simulation in different environment. From the equilibration we can tell the two tails of the lipid are more twiested in amber than in charmm, and the two tails are more separated in implicit solvent than in explicit solvent model.
Constant pH simulation of MORC16
Protonated patch for MOR: add a hydrogen to morc16-opt.mol2,
%chk=morc16.chk %Nproc=26 # opt b3lyp/6-31g(d) pop=nbo geom=connectivity change charge from 0 1 to 1 1
cp ./toppar/morc16-opt.rtf ./toppar/tmp.rtf edit tmp.rtf,add ATOM HD HNR 0.0000 to the end of ATOM list, then run: -nbo -log morc16_h.log -rtf ./toppar/tmp.rtf(check sum of charges, sometime it is not integer!!!)
edit ~/softwares/c37a2/toppar/top_all22_prot.inp create PRES MOR1 1.000 copy GROUP and the rest from tmp.rtf to top_all22_prot.inp and add "BOND N HD" to BOND section, and "IC HD N C2 C1 1.04 102.14 41.43 109.10 1.53" to IC section.
pH simulation of just one monomer
copy add_h.inp to ./MORC16/ make sure the name as in red are "mor" and "morp", "if ?selresn eq mor patch morp(or whatever patch you defined mor1,mor2...) @segid @ires" then run:
charmm in=morc16 <add_h.inp
utput: morc16_h.pdb/psf/crd
copy water.crd to ./toppar/ copy solvate.inp to ./MORC16/ charmm in=morc16 <solvate.inp(change Xleng or Yleng or Zleng if you want to) outputs:morc16_h_waterbox.crd/str/prm/pdb morc16_h_solvated.psf/pdb/str/crd copy add_ions_hphmd.inp to ./MORC16/ charmm in=morc16 conc=0.100<add_ions_hphmd.inp outputs:morc16_h_ions.pdb/str/prm/crd copy minimize.inp to ./MORC16/ charmm in=morc16 <minimize.inp outputs:morc16_h.solv.ion.min.psf/pdb/crd/pbc the system should be looks like this: Now we use this system to find parameter A and B for this molecule. copy radius_gbsw.str to ./toppar/ edit MOR 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 ATOM [protonated charge] [unprotonated charge] ...... HD [protonated charge] [unprotonated charge] 1.0 0.0 copy hphmd_derive.inp to ./MORC16/ charmm <hphmd_derive.inp extract theta and dE/dtheta value from lamb file and fit the data by xgrace. replace A=-1119.99 B=0.937338 and barrier=2.0 For replica exchange: copy hphmd_phrex.inp to ./MORC16/ mpirun -np ? charmm < hphmd_phrex.inp copy hphmd_drive.inp to ./MORC16/ the fundamental change in this input script is add DERI key word to PHMD, and set mass 1.E30 BARR 0 vmd morc16_equi.pdb package require Orient namespace import Orient::orient set sel [atomselect top "all"] set I [draw principalaxes $sel] set A [orient $sel [lindex $I 2] {0 0 -1}](make sure the head face towards -z) $sel move $A set I [draw principalaxes $sel] set A [orient $sel [lindex $I 1] {0 1 0}] $sel move $A $sel writepdb morc16.pdb(replace old one) exit vmd -par param=22 -xplor morc16.pdb>morc16_xplor.psf restart vmd, source lipid.tcl lipid -l morc16 -x 20 -y 20 outputs:lipid.pdb.lipid_charmm.psf,lipid_xplor.psf copy add_h.inp to ./MORC16/ make sure the name as in red are "mor" and "morp", "if ?selresn eq mor patch morp(or whatever patch you defined mor1,mor2...) @segid @ires" then run: charmm in=lipid <add_h.inp output: lipid_h.pdb/psf/crd copy water.crd to ./toppar/ copy solvate.inp to ./MORC16/ charmm in=lipid <solvate.inp(change Xleng or Yleng or Zleng if you want to) outputs:lipid_h_waterbox.crd/str/prm/pdb lipid_h_solvated.psf/pdb/str/crd copy add_ions_hphmd.inp to ./MORC16/ charmm in=lipid conc=0.100<add_ions_hphmd.inp outputs:lipid_h_ions.pdb/str/prm/crd copy minimize.inp to ./MORC16/ charmm in=lipid <minimize.inp outputs:lipid_h.solv.ion.min.psf/pdb/crd/pbc the system should be looks like this:
copy radius_gbsw.str to ./toppar/ edit MOR 5.5 -70 1.0 0.0 ATOM [protonated charge] [unprotonated charge] ...... HD [protonated charge] [unprotonated charge] 1.0 0.0 copy hphmd.inp to ./MORC16/ charmm <hphmd.inp For replica exchange: copy hphmd_phrex.inp to ./MORC16/ mpirun -np ? charmm < hphmd_phrex.inp copy hphmd_drive.inp to ./MORC16/ the fundamental change in this input script is add DERI key word to PHMD, and set mass 1.E30 BARR 0 and add PHTEST num1 set 0.4 PHTEST num2 set 0.6 ..... PHTEST num6 set 1.4 in, edit B=0 in output *.lamb file 10 0.4000 dE/dtheta 0.6000 dE/dtheta ..... extract those values for each residue and calculate average theta values theta dE/dtheta
MORC16 with Amber
we start from morc16.pdb from the beginning of this page,
antechamber -i morc16.pdb -fi pdb -o morc16.mol2 -fo mol2 -c bcc -s 2
Amber atomtypes can be found here.
check the parameters that are required.
parmchk2 -i morc16.mol2 -f mol2 -o morc16.frcmod
later we load morc16.frcmod to leap to add missing parameters.
MORC16 in vacuum
source leaprc.ff14SB source leaprc.gaff source leaprc.tip3p loadamberparams morc16.frcmod MOR =loadmol2 morc16.mol2 saveoff MOR morc16.lib saveamberparm MOR morc16.prmtop morc16.inpcrd quit |
tleap -f
Minimization of morc16 in vacumm &cntrl imin = 1, ncyc=10000, maxcyc = 20000, ntpr=100, ntb=0, igb=0, cut=12 / |
heating and equilibrating in vacumm &cntrl imin=0,irest=0, ntx=1,ntxo=1, ntpr=1000, ntwx=1000, nstlim=30000, dt=0.002, ntt=3, tempi=50.0, temp0=300, gamma_ln=1.0, ig=-1, ntb=0,igb=0,ntc=2, ntf=2, cut=12, ioutfm=1,ntrelax=100, / &wt type='TEMP0', istep=50.0,istep2=5000,value1=0.0,value2=300.0 / &wt type='TEMP0', istep=5001,istep2=30000,value1=300.0,value2=300.0 / &wt type='END' / |
production run in vacumm &cntrl imin=0, irest=0, ntx=1,ntxo=1, ntpr=10000, ntwx=10000,ntpr=10000,nstlim=1000000, dt=0.002, ntt=3, temp0=300, gamma_ln=1.0, ig=-1, ntb=0,igb=0,ntc=2, ntf=2, cut=12, ioutfm=1,ntrelax=100, / |
sander -O -i min.mdin -o morc16_va_min.out -p morc16_va.prmtop -c morc16_va.inpcrd -r morc16_va_min.rst
sander -O -i heat.mdin -o morc16_va_heat.out -p morc16_va.prmtop -c morc16_va_min.rst -r morc16_va_heat.rst
sander -O -i md.mdin -o morc16_va_md.out -p morc16_va.prmtop -c morc16_va_heat.rst -r morc16_va_md.rst -x morc16_va_md.mdcrd
MORC16 in implicit solvent
Minimization of morc16 in vacumm &cntrl imin = 1, ncyc=100000, maxcyc = 200000, ntpr=100, ntb=0, igb=1, cut=12 / |
heating and equilibrating in vacumm &cntrl imin=0,irest=0, ntx=1,ntxo=1, ntpr=1000, ntwx=1000, nstlim=30000, dt=0.002, ntt=3, tempi=50.0, temp0=300, gamma_ln=1.0, ig=-1, ntb=0,igb=1,ntc=2, ntf=2, cut=12, ioutfm=1,ntrelax=100, / &wt type='TEMP0', istep=50.0,istep2=5000,value1=0.0,value2=300.0 / &wt type='TEMP0', istep=5001,istep2=30000,value1=300.0,value2=300.0 / &wt type='END' / |
production run in vacumm &cntrl imin=0, irest=0, ntx=1,ntxo=1, ntpr=10000, ntwx=10000,ntpr=10000,nstlim=1000000, dt=0.002, ntt=3, temp0=300, gamma_ln=1.0, ig=-1, ntb=0,igb=1,ntc=2, ntf=2, cut=12, ioutfm=1,ntrelax=100, / |
sander -O -i min.mdin -o morc16_gb_min.out -p morc16_gb.prmtop -c morc16_gb.inpcrd -r morc16_gb_min.rst
sander -O -i heat.mdin -o morc16_gb_heat.out -p morc16_gb.prmtop -c morc16_gb_min.rst -r morc16_gb_heat.rst
sander -O -i md.mdin -o morc16_gb_md.out -p morc16_gb.prmtop -c morc16_gb_heat.rst -r morc16_gb_md.rst -x morc16_gb_md.mdcrd
MORC16 in explicit solvent
source leaprc.ff14SB source leaprc.gaff source leaprc.tip3p loadamberparams morc16.frcmod loadoff MOR morc16.lib MOR =loadmol2 morc16.mol2 solvatebox morc16 TIP3PBOX 8 addions morc16 NA 0 addions morc16 CL 0 set MOR box {48 42 26} saveamberparm MOR morc16_box.prmtop morc16_box.inpcrd quit |
"O" "os" 0 1 131072 28 8 -0.417600edit morc16.lib
change charge from -0.417600 to -0.421600(+0.004) to make the total charge 0. -i morc16_box.pdb -s water
47.390998840332032, 41.118000030517579, 25.479000091552734
add "set MOR box {48 42 26} " into, and run tleap again.
now we are ready to run some MD of MORC16.
mpirun -np 4 pmemd.MPI -O -i min.mdin -o morc16_ex_min.out -p morc16_ex.prmtop -c morc16_ex.inpcrd -r morc16_ex_min.rst
mpirun -np 4 pmemd.MPI -O -i heat.mdin -o morc16_ex_heat.out -p morc16_ex.prmtop -c morc16_ex_min.rst -r morc16_ex_heat.rst
mpirun -np 4 pmemd.MPI -O -i md.mdin -o morc16_ex_md.out -p morc16_ex.prmtop -c morc16_ex_heat.rst -r morc16_ex_md.rst -x morc16_ex_md.mdcrd
Self assembly of MORC16
MORC16 Micelle Modelling
packmol <micelle_packmol.inp
tleap -f
mpirun -np 12 pmemd.MPI -O -i min.mdin -o micelle_min.out -p morc16_micelle.prmtop -c morc16_micelle_tleap.inpcrd -r micelle_min.rst
mpirun -np 12 pmemd.MPI -O -i heat.mdin -o micelle_heat.out -p morc16_micelle.prmtop -c micelle_min.rst -r micelle_heat.rst
pmemd.cuda -O -i md.mdin -o micelle_md.out -p morc16_micelle.prmtop -c micelle_heat.rst -r micelle_md.rst -x micelle_md.mdcrd
source ~/toolset/lipid_render.tcl
start_lipid_rendering -lipid MOR
0ns | 10ns | 20ns | |
micelle_50lipids |
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micelle_100lipids |
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micelle_150lipids |
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micelle_200lipids |
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micelle_250lipids |
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mix_250lipids |
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Steered Molecular Simulation of MORC16 micelle
We will perform SMD of 10 lipids one at a time, the pulling speed is 50A/1000000steps=25A/ns.
cpptraj -p morc16_micelle.prmtop -y micelle_md.rst -x micelle_md.pdb (vmd does not read netcdf version of amber rst file)
./ 10 1000000 morc16_micelle.prmtop micelle_md.pdb
./ 10 micelle_md.rst 1
set cell [pbc set {110 110 110} -all]
pbc box -color yellow -width 1
display resize 1000 1000
***text size 2.0 when labelling
***quicksurf for micelle and VDW for residue 0
micelle_50 | |
micelle_100 | |
micelle_500 | |
micelle_1000 |
for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do cp ./ASMD_$i/ ./asmd$; done
awk '{a[FNR]+=$4;b[FNR]++}END{for (i=1;i<=FNR;i++)print ((i-1)*0.005),a[i]/b[i]}' asmd*.work.dat.1 >
gnuplot> set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pi -1 ps 1.0
gnuplot> set style line 2 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 9 lw 2 pi -1 ps 1.0
gnuplot> set style line 3 lc rgb '#29c524' lt 6 lw 2 pi -1 ps 1.0
gnuplot> set style line 4 lc rgb '#7D72F9' lt 7 lw 2 pi -1 ps 1.0
gnuplot>set ylabel "work(kj/mol)"
gnuplot>set xlabel "distance(A)"
gnuplot>set key right bottom
gnuplot>set title "PMF of Pulling One Lipid From Micelles With Different Size"
gnuplot> plot "./morc16_micelle_50/SMD/" ls 1 title '50 lipids micelle',\
>"./morc16_micelle_100/SMD/" ls 2 title '100 lipids micelle',\
>"./morc16_micelle_500/SMD/" ls 3 title '500 lipids micelle',\
>"./morc16_micelle_1000/SMD/" ls 4 title '1000 lipids micelle'
gnuplot> set terminal png size 1000,1000
gnuplot> set output 'morc16_micelle_smd.png'
The unit of force is kcal/mol A=69.4786 pN
The unit of work is kcal/molgnuplot>
Mixed atomistic solute and coarse grained water for morc16 micelle simulation
One challenge of the micelle simulation is the computing cost as the system goes bigger and bigger, the most time spent on simulation is nonbonded interaction, and if the the system is explicitly solvated, that means most of time of calucation is spent on nonboned interaction of bulk water molecules, which is not our interest, One way to reduce this cost is to reduce the degree of water molecules as the distance between water molecules and solute increases, there are some hybrid methods to deal with this situation, here we just replace TIP3P water model with WT4 coarse grained water model.
A.Snapshot takenfrom a MD simulation showing the typical ordering of bulk water molecules
B.The positions of each of the oxygen atoms at the corners of the tetrahedra in A are now indicated with red beads.
C.Structural organization of WT4 in the bulk solution taken from a MD snapshot.
D.The ideal organization of a tetrahedral water cluster leads to the geometry of WT4.White and red beads (hydrogen-like, H WT4 , and
oxygen-like, O WT4 ) carry positive and negative partial charges of 0.41e, respectively.
Simulation Setup
As to the simulation protocol, the only thing need to change is solvate with "WT4BOX" instead of "TIP3PBOX", and source "/home/zwei/work/MD/MORC16/CGLA/leaprc.cgla"
tleaf -f
mpirun -np 12 pmemd.MPI -O -i min.mdin -o micelle_min.out -p morc16_micelle.prmtop -c morc16_micelle_tleap.inpcrd -r micelle_min.rst
mpirun -np 12 pmemd.MPI -O -i heat.mdin -o micelle_heat.out -p morc16_micelle.prmtop -c micelle_min.rst -r micelle_heat.rst
pmemd.cuda -O -i md.mdin -o micelle_md.out -p morc16_micelle.prmtop -c micelle_heat.rst -r micelle_md.rst -x micelle_md.mdcrd
The simulation accelerated about ~6(11*3/4) times faster than TIP3P water model,
./ 10 1000000 morc16_micelle.prmtop micelle_md.rst
./ 10 micelle_md.rst 1